5 Dog Breeds With The Most Attacks



Dogs are fantastic companions, but unfortunately dog bite attacks are common and can cause serious injuries. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention approximates that 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the United States. Of those victims, 20% require medical attention.

While dog bite attacks are not specific to a particular breed, and can largely be a result of the environment the dog grows up in, the data shows that dog bites are more prevalent with certain breeds. Animals 24-7 released a 2014 report titled “Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada (1982-2014)”, which looked at dog bite attacks over the last 32 years. The report lists the number of deaths, maimings (loss of limb or disfigurement) and other severe injuries that required medical treatment for each dog breed. The five breeds with the most attacks are listed below. For the full report, click here

breed with the most attacks since 1982

While not an attempt to condemn any particular breed, the difference between the breed with the fifth most attacks (Akita) and most attacks (Pit Bull) is staggering.

Under Michigan law, dog owners are strictly liable for the injuries their animals cause. This means that as long as the dog was not provoked, the owner is liable for the injuries caused by their dog to a person on public property or who is lawfully on private property. The plaintiff is not required to prove that the dog had previously attacked others, or that the owner knew of those attacks. MCL 287.351

If you or your loved one has been the victim of a dog bite attack, there are steps you can take to maximize both your medical improvement and the value of your case.

  1. Medical Treatment- Contact your physician for medical care and advice. If necessary, call an ambulance or go to the emergency room immediately.
  2. Animal Control Report- Report the dog bite attack to the local Animal Control agency in your community. Give the officer as much detail as possible regarding the circumstances of the attack and obtain a copy of the report.
  3. Photographs- Take photographs of your injuries as soon as possible, as well as where the incident took place. Continue to photograph your injuries in the days and weeks that follow.
  4. Witnesses- Gather the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any and all witnesses to the dog bite attack.
  5. Metro Detroit Injury Lawyers- Consult the experienced dog bite attorneys at Metro Detroit Injury Lawyers.