Metro Detroit Dog Bite Attorney

Metro Detroit Dog Bite Attorney

Dog bite injuries can be very traumatic and result in serious injuries. The best Michigan dog bite lawyers understand that dog bite attacks have significant consequences for the injured party including puncture wounds, permanent scarring, permanent disfigurement, nerve damage, risk of infection, bleeding, and possibly even death. Dog bite victims usually suffer emotional trauma as well, such as depression, fright, anxiety, fear of dogs and other animals, trouble sleeping, and other psychological effects. Even a relatively minor dog bite usually requires medical care, and can result in expensive hospital and doctor's bills, and time off work. This is why you need a competent dog bite attorney.

If you or your loved one was bitten by a dog without provocation or fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation from the dog’s owner for your injuries. Contact the experienced dog bite attorneys at Metro Detroit Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

Michigan Dog Bite Law:

In Michigan, dog bite claims are known as strict liability causes of action. Under Michigan's dog bite statute, the injured plaintiff only needs to prove the following:

  1. That the plaintiff suffered a dog bite;

  2. That the dog bite was without provocation;

  3. That the defendant owned the dog; and

  4. That the plaintiff was lawfully at the location where the dog bite occurred.

Dog Bite Checklist:

If you or your loved one has been the victim of a dog bite attack, there are things you can do to maximize both your medical improvement and the value of your case.

  1. Medical Treatment- Contact your physician for medical care and advice. If necessary, call an ambulance or go to the emergency room immediately.

  2. Animal Control Report- Report the dog bite attack to the local Animal Control agency in your community. Give the officer as much detail as possible regarding the circumstances of the attack and obtain a copy of the report. The Animal Control Report will play an important evidentiary role in your case.

  3. Photographs- Take photographs of your injuries as soon as possible, as well as where the incident took place. Continue to photograph your injuries in the days and weeks that follow.

  4. Witnesses- Gather the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any and all witnesses to the dog bite attack.

  5. Metro Detroit Injury Lawyers- Consult the experienced dog bite attorneys at Metro Detroit Injury Lawyers at 248-430-8929.

Timing To Bring Your Claim: 

In Michigan, a dog bite victim has THREE YEARS from the date of the dog bite attack to bring a claim for damages. If you have been the victim of a dog bite attack, you should not delay in consulting with an experienced dog bite attorney.  

There are some exceptions to this rule. For instance, a legal minor (child under the age of 18) has until their 19th birthday to bring a formal claim for damages after a dog bite. However, waiting to consult with an attorney is not advised.

If you have been the victim of a dog bite attack, contact the experienced dog bite attorneys at Metro Detroit Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

* For more information on Michigan dog bite law, visit our blog